Prema Dharmadhatu Jewelry
Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu - May all the beings, in all the worlds, be happy.
Prema Dharmadhatu means 'seed of truth' or 'point of truth. It allows the person who is drawing the symbol and the person who is receiving the symbol to experience the feeling of expanding love.
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Prema Dharmadhatu means 'seed of truth' or 'point of truth. It allows the person who is drawing the symbol and the person who is receiving the symbol to experience the feeling of expanding love.
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2" Prema Dharmadhatu Necklace
Brass Prema Dharmadhatu Brass Chain
The Prema Agni™, Rising Star™, and Prema Dharmadhatu™ are protected registered trademarks of SQ Worldwide and are not to be duplicated without expressed written consent.