Infinite is one of my personal favorite stones for easing physical pain. It is called the healer's stone by some. Anything negative we manifest in our bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), will be sought out and targeted by Infinite's loving, angelic energy.
Its energy protects us and stimulates a softer pathway for the Kundalini. Telepathic receptivity and projection are strengthened.
Infinite brings clarity to a clouded Chakra and will open the crown Chakra. It is a meditative state enhancer which will bring order to any area of the body, emotional or mental, that requires focus. Infinite evolves our sense of control and with it we release control over others. It helps us to understand the occurrences in our lives in order to better integrate the knowledge and approach the situation for our highest good
Infinite is found only in South Africa.
See the jewelry page for custom pieces made from this beautiful stone.
Tourmalines are beautiful healing stones.
All colors of Tourmaline act to clear, maintain and stimulate the chakras they relate to.
Tourmaline attracts inspiration and helps lessesn fears and increase self confidence.
Tourmaline helps balance male/female energy in the body.
Many ancient cultures have revered Tourmaline. Native Americans and African shamen have believed it to bring healing powers to the user/wearer and to provide protection from physical dangers
Pink Tourmaline carries the energy of love, higher love. It helps connect the self to All There Is. It helps one to trust in the power of love, to integrate love and spirituality helping you to move towards an enlightened state of being. It stimulates the crown and heart chakras.
Green Tourmaline carries the energy of compassion. It helps open the heart chakra. It can tranform negative energy into positive energy which is the process of healing. It stimulates the heart and third eye chakras.
Black tourmaline carries the energy of protection. It repels and protects against negativity. It is said to help pull negative energies from your computer screen if you keep a piece near it. It activate grounding of the root chakra
All colors of Tourmaline act to clear, maintain and stimulate the chakras they relate to.
Tourmaline attracts inspiration and helps lessesn fears and increase self confidence.
Tourmaline helps balance male/female energy in the body.
Many ancient cultures have revered Tourmaline. Native Americans and African shamen have believed it to bring healing powers to the user/wearer and to provide protection from physical dangers
Pink Tourmaline carries the energy of love, higher love. It helps connect the self to All There Is. It helps one to trust in the power of love, to integrate love and spirituality helping you to move towards an enlightened state of being. It stimulates the crown and heart chakras.
Green Tourmaline carries the energy of compassion. It helps open the heart chakra. It can tranform negative energy into positive energy which is the process of healing. It stimulates the heart and third eye chakras.
Black tourmaline carries the energy of protection. It repels and protects against negativity. It is said to help pull negative energies from your computer screen if you keep a piece near it. It activate grounding of the root chakra
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is The stone of Love Love Love. Rose Quartz can clear mistrust, emotional blocks and resolve emotional programs that no longer serve you. It carries a calming energy. It helps one release worry, fear, anxiety and past trauma.
Rose Quartz can give you access to the deep core of the heart where your higher self resides. It activates the heart chakra not only in the physical body but connects your heart to Mother Earth and to the heart of the universe.
As we journey to our higher selves and Mother Earth, whom we are connected to, prepares for her ascension, our energy centers are moving up to the heart chakra. We need to clear and open the heart as much as possible to prepare for the shifts. Rose Quartz is a loving gentle tool to help us achieve this.
The energy of Rose Quartz helps the heart open into the lotus of light that is can be.
Rose Quartz can give you access to the deep core of the heart where your higher self resides. It activates the heart chakra not only in the physical body but connects your heart to Mother Earth and to the heart of the universe.
As we journey to our higher selves and Mother Earth, whom we are connected to, prepares for her ascension, our energy centers are moving up to the heart chakra. We need to clear and open the heart as much as possible to prepare for the shifts. Rose Quartz is a loving gentle tool to help us achieve this.
The energy of Rose Quartz helps the heart open into the lotus of light that is can be.
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is wonderful grounding stone. It is a spiritual grounding stone, It helps ground higher energies into the body. It brings us back into our bodies, if that is what we need. It helps ground us to the earth.
Smokey Quartz is a stone of protection from negativity. It pulls negativity out of the body very quickly.
Smokey Quartz cleanses and clears the auric field.
It can help bring dreams into reality.
Smokey Quartz is a stone of protection from negativity. It pulls negativity out of the body very quickly.
Smokey Quartz cleanses and clears the auric field.
It can help bring dreams into reality.
Angelite is a beautiful whitened blue opaque stone that symbolizes peace, love and light. It helps anchor the energy of our angels and guides to be closre to us. Angelite enhances telepathic communication, psychic abilities, channeling and mediumship.
This stone helps raise your state of conscious awareness. It dispels anger and aids in protecting the enviroment in which is placed. Angelite has a calm, tranquil energy that can sooth the emotional body.
Angelite stimulates and soothe the throat chakra and can help one to speak their truth in a compassionate way. It can be helpful in speaking diplomatically.
Angelite also activates the third eye and crown chakras, possibly helping you to communicate insights from downloads received from spirit. It can be helpful in remaining lucid in your dream state and remembering upon waking.
This stone helps raise your state of conscious awareness. It dispels anger and aids in protecting the enviroment in which is placed. Angelite has a calm, tranquil energy that can sooth the emotional body.
Angelite stimulates and soothe the throat chakra and can help one to speak their truth in a compassionate way. It can be helpful in speaking diplomatically.
Angelite also activates the third eye and crown chakras, possibly helping you to communicate insights from downloads received from spirit. It can be helpful in remaining lucid in your dream state and remembering upon waking.
Hemimorphite is a stone of light activation. It vibration is said to attract angelic beings.
It helps one to bring more light into the lower bodies. It stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands.
Blue Hemimorphite carries the energy of compassionate empathy. It clears and activates the heart, throat and third eye chakras.
Hemimorphite can integrate joy and sorrow, helping us flow and not block any e-motions. It can pull spots of negativity out of our bodies. It manifests the energy of well being.
It is a great stone for forgiveness, releasing anger and healing karma between people.
It helps one to bring more light into the lower bodies. It stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands.
Blue Hemimorphite carries the energy of compassionate empathy. It clears and activates the heart, throat and third eye chakras.
Hemimorphite can integrate joy and sorrow, helping us flow and not block any e-motions. It can pull spots of negativity out of our bodies. It manifests the energy of well being.
It is a great stone for forgiveness, releasing anger and healing karma between people.
Kyanite can align all our chakras instantaneously. It works primarily with the third eye and heart chakras. It can open each chakras if directed to do so. With conscious direction it can align the subtle bodies. Kaynite can heal old negative patterns by creating ne pathways of energy to override the old program.
Blue Kyanite has a very high vibration. It activate our psychic channels and offers protection to aroiund our auric field while in this state. It carries the energy of tranquilty and calm. Kyanite can be great for telepathy between two people who are both working with this stone.
Kyanite can help in tough communcations by moving energy into a harmonious frquencies.
It can help get you into a meditative state and open the third eye while there.
Blue Kyanite has a very high vibration. It activate our psychic channels and offers protection to aroiund our auric field while in this state. It carries the energy of tranquilty and calm. Kyanite can be great for telepathy between two people who are both working with this stone.
Kyanite can help in tough communcations by moving energy into a harmonious frquencies.
It can help get you into a meditative state and open the third eye while there.
Prehnite connects the heart to the will allowing peace to prevail. Prehnite works on the heart and the solar plexus chakras. It expands the energy from the heart to connect us to the heart of nature.
Union of the Heart and the Will. This can aid in intiution and magic.
Prehnite helps communication with non-physical beings. Use it in your meditation to 'hear' more clearly.
Prehnite can be helpful for nervousness, worry and restlessness. It brings joy to the heart and peace to the mind.
Union of the Heart and the Will. This can aid in intiution and magic.
Prehnite helps communication with non-physical beings. Use it in your meditation to 'hear' more clearly.
Prehnite can be helpful for nervousness, worry and restlessness. It brings joy to the heart and peace to the mind.